Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1467 Zero or One 00873º 2545731 Python 0.140 8/4/15, 3:54:25 AM
1437 Turn Left! 00101º 2545706 Python 0.056 8/4/15, 3:40:14 AM
1397 Game of The Greatest 00590º 2545672 Python 0.136 8/4/15, 3:24:08 AM
1387 Og 00105º 2545661 Python 0.080 8/4/15, 3:20:12 AM
1329 Head or Tail 00463º 2545644 Python 0.024 8/4/15, 3:17:05 AM
1216 Getline One 00871º 2545620 Python 0.404 8/4/15, 3:09:59 AM
1087 Queen 00178º 2542562 Python 0.024 8/3/15, 9:13:56 AM
1026 To Carry or not to Carry 00155º 2542558 Python 0.284 8/3/15, 8:54:43 AM
1557 Square Matrix III 00339º 2534097 Python 0.004 7/31/15, 9:35:38 AM
1190 Right Area 01286º 2533582 Python 0.012 7/31/15, 2:22:08 AM
1189 Left Area 00682º 2533581 Python 0.008 7/31/15, 2:21:15 AM
1188 Inferior Area 00854º 2533577 Python 0.008 7/31/15, 2:19:36 AM
1186 Below the Secundary Diagonal 01040º 2533570 Python 0.008 7/31/15, 2:15:23 AM
1185 Above the Secundary Diagonal 01229º 2533568 Python 0.012 7/29/15, 4:55:52 AM
1184 Below the Main Diagonal 01730º 2525261 Python 0.016 7/29/15, 4:10:56 AM
1183 Above the Main Diagonal 00001º 2525241 Python 0.000 7/29/15, 3:55:14 AM
1181 Line in Array 02618º 2525222 Python 0.012 7/29/15, 3:47:39 AM
1541 Building Houses 00463º 2592672 Python 0.016 7/27/15, 6:37:12 AM
1564 Brazil World Cup 00445º 2518509 Python 0.004 7/27/15, 6:21:33 AM
1759 Ho Ho Ho 01228º 2518475 Python 0.040 7/27/15, 5:54:51 AM
1828 Bazinga! 00396º 2518425 Python 0.004 7/27/15, 5:32:03 AM
1182 Column in Array 01873º 2525184 Python 0.012 7/27/15, 5:30:27 AM
1180 Lowest Number and Position 03173º 2518350 Python 0.016 7/27/15, 4:48:44 AM
1179 Array Fill IV 01848º 2511062 Python 0.008 7/24/15, 9:41:23 AM
1178 Array Fill III 02099º 2511033 Python 0.012 7/24/15, 9:17:33 AM
1177 Array Fill II 02033º 2511025 Python 0.012 7/24/15, 9:12:07 AM
1176 Fibonacci Array 03479º 2511022 Python 0.020 7/24/15, 9:08:22 AM
1175 Array change I 03135º 2511011 Python 0.012 7/24/15, 8:53:24 AM
1174 Array Selection I 02524º 2525211 Python 0.008 7/24/15, 8:39:51 AM
1589 Bob Conduit 00523º 2511001 Python 0.012 7/24/15, 8:34:20 AM
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